Saturday, October 15, 2011

Lipstick On A Pig

     Its October, and we all know what that means. Besides the harvest season, and the trick or treaters, November follows right behind. In other words, it's voting season, and if you have been paying even a little attention to what has been going on you know there is a lot of hostility, a lot of hot button topics, and a lot at stake.
     If you're hoping to hear a missionary's take on how things should be, I'm sorry to disappoint, but it is not my place at this time to do so. Those who know me know I stand up for what I believe in and I am very passionate in that regard. However, I only aim to give a warning of common sense and reason to those who want to hear. This is why:
     Long story short, a former stake president near my home stake in Arizona is running for senate. If Mormons haven't been in the news enough already right? There's nothing wrong with anyone running for an office. The thing is, is that now we have faithful members of the church suddenly changing their views on topics and switching sides. Its not my business, everyone had their agency, but it couldn't be because they just want to vote for their stake president right? Or because he is a Mormon? This has created an uproar in my hometown. From what Ive heard, theres a miniature civil war going on among the LDS there. Does it really come down to a person's faith to decide if they are worthy to fill a seat in office? Does it really come down to a person's faith to decide if they are a good person period?
     To be honest, this news was sickening to me. I have my own opinions and reasons to draw my conclusions from. But this isn't just happening in Arizona. I'm sure everyone knows who Mitt Romney is. And I'm sure if you know who he is, then you know he is a Latter Day Saint. Surprising as it is (not really) some people won't vote for him only because he believes in that "crazy Mormon bible" and for others thats the only reason they will vote for him! So in other words, it doesn't matter who you are or what you've done as long as you go to church every week in x,y, and z congregations you're set!
     Luckily, there is still some common sense floating around. I'm not endorsing any candidate, I'm not telling anyone to vote this way or vote that way. I'm not telling everyone to go join different churches, or telling people not too. I'm only using these as examples to get a point across.
     There are good people all over this world, in every country, in every culture, in every religion, in every walk of life. And there is the opposite, in all the same places. Satan doesn't pick favorites. He may put more of his influence on more important things but he is always trying to pull as many souls as he can down to his misery. Sometimes we let our bias arrogances blind us from this truth.
     Christ loved everyone. He didn't hold his affections and love to any one group of people, he spent his mortal ministry with all who would hear him. How do you think we all are doing with following Him in this regard?
     Sometimes we have to agree to disagree, we have to love each other and look past the differences in our doctrines, and we have to come together.
    When we can move past our differences and work together for the good of our communities, then we will truly accomplish things in making the future brighter.
    This is what Christ taught, and I know if we can all do this we will be able to overcome and problems in our world today and really fix the problems we have in our society that seem so daunting.

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