Unfortunately its not that easy. But fortunately were all here on earth working for the same goal and in turn, we can all help eachother out.
The Lord is the one who will ultimately judge us when that time is to come. He is the only one, and nobody knows exactly how we will be judged or on what conditions. But what we do know is the path we are to walk and the gate we are to enter in to. Christ taught that "except a man be born of the water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God" (John 3:5). Thus we see the need to be baptized. But then we ask ourselves: Is that it?
The answer is no. Althoguh some might think so, baptism is not the "golden ticket into heaven". Some would say that it doesn't matter what happens after baptism, that you can go on sinning and no matter what you do you will always have your baptism, or "golden ticket". This may be somewhat true but we are still held accountable for the things we do after baptism. Thats what the Holy Ghost is for. The gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us thst we must have faith in Jesus Christ and his attonement, repent, be baptized, and endure to the end. The last part is the kicker. Enduring to the end.
We not only have to be baptized but also keep our promises we make at baptism by enduring to the end. Were all different and have different challenges throughout our lives but with the Lord's help it makes it possible. Through the infinite atonement of Jesus Christ we can repent of our mistakes that we make in this life and move on. We might stumble along the way but were always learning and always progressing. No matter what comes in our path we must strive to have faith and pray for strength to carry on. It is my prayer that we can all build our foundations on the rock of our redeemer so that we may one day live with him in the kingdom of our Father.